Perspectives on culture, learning and adaptation in Canada and Japan
International Symposium on Community-based Management of Forest Resources – Perspectives on culture, learning and adaptation in Canada and Japan” was held from March 3 to March 5, 2015, jointly sponsored by the Kyoto Model Forest Association, the Integrated Local Ecological Knowledge project of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), and the University of Saskatchewan. The symposium was aiming for Canada and Japan to learn from each other about various aspects centred around forest management.
During the symposium, about 30 researchers and practitioners from Japan, Canada and India gathered and participated in discussions. They also joined field trips which offered an introduction on several activities of the Kyoto Model Forest Association.
Although the type of forest ownership and involvement of local communities in forest management vary by country or by region, active discussions among participants and question-and- answer sessions helped them to deepen their understanding on sustainable forest management.
Field trips held during the symposium
Tuesday, March 3, 2015: Afternoon
(Kiyotaki Forest of Mitsui & Co. / Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City)
Collaborated with Yuki Shrine and Kitayama Precious Wood Cooperative Association
Thursday, March 5, 2015: All-day
(Nishiyama Council for the Promotion of Forest Protection/Nagaokakyo City)
Collaborated with Suntory and Nishiyama Council for the Promotion of Forest Protection