Soroptimist International Kyoto "Children's Forest Learning Session" Held on May 25, 2024

On May 25, 2024, Soroptimist International Kyoto “Children’s Forest Learning Session” was held.

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, Soroptimist International of Kyoto held a “Children’s Forest Hands-on Learning Experience” with 20 participants, including 11 children.

Members of the Kyoto Forest Instructors’ Association guided the participants on a nature observation walk through the Higashiyama forest.

After lunch, participants walked down the mountain through the precincts of Chion-in Temple to Wajyunkaikan.

(Left) Greetings from the vice president of Soroptimist International Kyoto
(Right) Group photo

At Wajyunkaikan, participants made original bags with “leaf stamps” using fallen leaves they picked up in the forest.
They designed their colorful patterns while enjoying the shapes of various leaves.

The event ended with the instructors handing out certificates of participation.

KMFA will continue to hold events to familiarize people with forests, which have supported Kyoto’s history and culture, through learning and hands-on experience.

This project was supported by Soroptimist International of Kyoto.


